Cyberspace of Shujun LI


English TEX Tools

Chinese TEX Tools

TEX Resources

TEX Communities: CTAN TUG - TeX Users Group (TUGboat, The PracTeX Journal) The UK TeX Archive (TeX Frequently Asked Questions) Korean TeX Society DANTE e.v. (German TUG Dansk TeX-brugergruppe (Danish TUG) (The LaTeX Font Catalogue) LATEX Project comp.text.tex @ google TEX/LATEX Ring emotion icon LaTeX @ Wikibook
Chinese TEX: CTEX (论坛; CTeXKit) ChinaTEX MTEX CCT TYTeX (天元) ttf-MiKTEX TTFSetup emotion icon LATEX编辑部 王垠的TEX/LATEX主页 浙江大学数学系TEXLATEX论坛 CTUG - China TeX User Group

TEX Projects: pdfTEX (pdfTEX@feashmeat) ConTEXt (ConTEXt Wiki) DVIPDFMx AcroTEX dvips Omega XeTeX LuaTeX emotion icon MiKTeX Project TEX Live proTeXt iTeXMac LyX (Win32 Port) Scientific WorkPlace/Word PCTEX emotion icon CJK The Latin Modern (LM) Family of Fonts The TeX Gyre (TG) Collection of Fonts emotion icon SyncTeX PSTricks Beamer (SourceForge Project) PGF and TikZ (pgf-users Info Page; pgf-users forum & mailing list archive) PGFPlots TikZ and PGF Resources Xiao Hanyu's curated list of awesome TikZ resources TikzEdt KtikZ GraTeX TikZiT matlab2tikz tikzplotlib svg2tikz tikz-network PlotNeuralNet Tikz-er2 emotion icon TpX jPicEdt LaTeXDraw LaTeXPiX emotion icon Ipe (Wiki) emotion icon beamerposter Prosper PPower4 River Valley Technologies's Work (pdfscreen, pdfslides, ...) pdfwin Brian Amberg's Poster Template beamerposter emotion icon exam The UMIST maths LaTeX exam class The "Maths Exam" LaTeX class emotion icon LATEX2HTML TEX4ht Hyperlatex bib2xhtml (GitHub) Aurora TexPoint textext emotion icon sfmath urlbst KLatexFormula
TEX Editors: Overleaf Online LaTeX Equation Editor - LaTeX4technics emotion icon TeXworks TeXnicCenter Texmaker MeWa (former LATEXEditor) WinShell for LATEX Vim Vim-LaTeX Kile Xemacs (GNU Win32 Port) SciTE LaTeX IDE (WinEdt's Community) emotion icon Converters from PC Textprocessors to LaTeX @ TUG rtf2latex2e Writer2LaTeX Chikrii Softlab (Word2TeX & TeX2Word) GrindEQ Math Utilities (Word-to-LaTeX, LaTeX-to-Word, Image-to-PostScript) PS2EPS Word-to-LaTeX Converter @ docx2tex: Word 2007 to TeX Excel2latex WP2LaTeX Nitro's PDF to Word emotion icon BaKoMa TeX emotion icon latexdiff Online LaTeX diff tool
Related Tools: Ghostscript GSview DjVu Zone Adobe Acrobat Family Sumatra PDF emotion icon netpbm ImageMagick pstoedit gimp (GIMP-Win) WinFIG LaPrint (LaTeX Print) emotion icon ActiveState (ActivePerl) Java@Sun emotion icon Mathcha quiver (GitHub repo) GCLC (Geometry Constructions->LaTeX converter) Mathpix Snip Wiris (MathType, ...) Screen Presentation Tools SWFTOOLS MathJax emotion icon bibtex-tidy (GitHub) JabRef Zotero Better BibTeX for Zotero

TEX People

Prof. (Emeritus) Donald E. Knuth : The father of TEX and METAPOST (and also of TAOCP!)

Dr. Leslie Lamport: The father of LATEX

Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach: The core members of the LATEX3 Project, the main authors of The LaTeX Companion and The LaTeX Graphics Companion

Hàn Thế Thành: The father of pdfTEX.
His PhD dissertation: Micro-typographic extensions to the TeX typesetting system (2.32MB)

Hans Hagen: The father of ConTeXt

D. P. Story: The father of AcroTEX

Prof. Dr. Till Tantau: The father of beamer and PGF Dr. Christian Feuersänger: The father of pgfplots


Book Cover 陈志杰、赵书钦、李树钧、万福永,《LATEX入门与提高》(第二版),高等教育出版社,中国北京,2006年5月,ISBN:7-04-019379-5,238页,附ChinaTEX CD版光盘(20060111版)一张,定价:人民币44.8元 [在线销售地址]


ChinaTEX是hooklee(Shujun LI的网名)多年前开发的一个中文TEX套装软件包,它的主要特点是: 注意:由于MiKTEX自2.5版开始采用了不同的配置,不再与早期的版本兼容,20060918将成为ChinaTEX的最后一个基于MiKTEX 2.4的版本,以后制作的ChinaTEX版本将基于MiKTEX 2.5+开发,不再与早期的版本兼容。



如果不想下载上面给出的ChinaTEX的两个iso文件,或者没有足够的带宽下载过大的文件,您也可以仅下载DVD 版核心文件 (8.68MB),然后参考下面的DIY步骤制作自己的ChinaTEX系统。
  1. 将上述压缩包解压到一个目录,这里假设为 D:\ChinaTeX。
  2. 到MiKTeX网站或者CTAN网站下载MiKTEX Direct CD 2.4(注意MiKTEX 2.5+版本已与ChinaTEX中包含的MiKTEX 2.4不完全兼容)的最新版,将整个texmf目录复制到D:\ChinaTeX。
  3. 点击这里下载ChinaTEX 中增补/更新的texmf文件(20060918更新,7z压缩包大小65.4MB,MD5 checksum为C65B168EF59571C3BEC0CEBCE355440D,解压后大小237MB),并将其解压到D:\ChinaTeX\texmf目录(如提示有同名文件,请选择覆盖)。
  4. 如果您有自己收集制作的其他增补文件,如中文相关的文件,请将其增加到D:\ChinaTeX\texmf目录,注意这些文件并未包含在文件名数据库中,您需要在安装好系统后刷新本地文件名数据库才能使用这些文件。
  5. 收集外围程序:ActivePerlGhostcriptJava SEImageMagickGsviewAdobe Reader,将安装程序分别放在D:\ChinaTeX\Extras目录的下述子目录:ActivePerl、Ghostscript、Java2RE-SE、ImageMagick、Gsview、 Adobe。您也可以点击本页前面的链接下载最新版本的ChinaTEX中包含的这部分程序。
    • 注1:如果您没有将外围程序放在D:\ ChinaTeX\Extras下的指定子目录,或者下载的外围程序版本、文件名不同,请修改D:\ChinaTeX\ChinaTeX.ini文件中的相关路径。
    • 注2:在Win9X/ME/NT操作系统下安装Activeperl可能需要Microsoft Installer支持,安装ImageMagick可能需要MSVB 6.0虚拟机支持,请点击这里下载相关文件(3.8MB),并将解压后的文件放在D:\ChinaTeX\Extras\System目录下。
    • 注3:关于手工制作ChinaTEX系统的更多信息,请阅读D:\ChinaTeX\手工安装指南.txt

TEX Conference

中文TEX与数学网站交流会 (TEXMath@China'2004):由华东师范大学陈志杰教授负责主办的国内TEX界的第一次正式会议于2004年7月9日~11日在上海华东师范大学召开,hooklee于7月10日上午9: 10~9:50做了名为MobileTeX and Some Other Open Projects的报告。


All information on this website is for personal use and Shujun Li is not responsible for any misuse of information provided. The listed links on any page do not indicate any personal recommendations for any purposes for the visitors of this website, as each link is included for a different reason meaningful for Shujun Li's personal use. Logo files of websites are used to facilitate recognition of the external links, and does not represent endorsement of the corresponding websites for the content of this website. If the use of any logo file violates the copyrights or policies of any individuals or organisations, please contact Shujun Li so that he can removes the logo file or the whole link. Please also help report broken links and broken images on this website.